Privacy Policy

Your Privacy

We promise to treat the privacy and security of your personal information with the utmost care. Our privacy and security policy describes the information we collect about you, how and why we use the information and the choices you have to restrict our usage of this information.

How we use your Information

The Foil Invite Company respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it. Any information provided by you in the course of purchasing from this website is used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. We do not pass your details onto anyone else. Personal information you provide to us while creating or updating an account and at checkout (ie: name, address, telephone number, email address, billing address, shipping address and credit card information) is stored in private files on our secure web server and on our internal systems until your transaction is complete. Financial information (credit card numbers, credit card expiration dates, billing address, etc.) that is collected is used only to bill you for products and services and is not stored.

Samples & Photography

We reserve the right to use surplus stationery produced as samples to demonstrate our products to other customers. We may also photograph items from your order for website and promotional use.  If you do not wish for your stationery to be photographed or used as printed samples this is not a problem but you must notify us before confirming your order.


Cookies are alphanumeric bits of information that are automatically stored on your computer. This site uses cookies in order to improve your user and shopping experience. Our two main cookie sources are Google Analytics and WooCommerce. Google Analytics allows us to collect anonymous data about how people use our website. It doesn’t save any personal information about our users. WooCommerce cookies are used by our online shop to allow it to function correctly. These cookies expire when you close your browser. Personal information you provide to us at checkout (ie: name, address, telephone number, email address, billing address, shipping address) is stored in private files on our secure web server. Financial information (credit card numbers, credit card expiration dates, billing address, etc.) are securely processed using Stripe or Paypal gateways and are not stored.

Our E-mail List

We offer those who sign-up for our email list advance notice of sales, new merchandise, and other news from The Foil Invite Company. We will not sell or rent your email address to other companies. If you would like to unsubscribe from our email list, please use the unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email.

Secure Shopping

Orders placed on our site are encrypted using SSL technology, so you can rest assured that your transactions are protected. We do not have access to your card details. Please note that email is not encrypted and is not considered a secure means of transmitting credit card numbers. We will never ask for sensitive information via email.

Your Agreement

By visiting our website you agree to accept the terms set forth in this policy. The Foil Invite Company may periodically update this Privacy & Security Policy. Any changes made will be posted here so that you are fully informed of what information we collect and how we use it.

For questions about this privacy policy, please contact us we’re always happy to hear from you.